I need an AO drawing please

Hi all I am mainly a sketchup guy but use Bricscad now and then which is why I am still using 2011 Brickscad version. I need an AO template. Am aware that I could create one and have watched Youtube and searched on the matter. after trying repeatedly I think I am not an experinced CAD person, nor have much aptitude for anything other than simple drafting so the instructions are lost on me.
Could somebody please send me a blank drawing with an AO paperspace in 2010 it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


  • Anthony Apostolaros
    edited October 2019

    I think you'd have to say what printer you're using. On my v17 at least, changing the printer cancels the paper size selection, and reverts to the default paper size of the newly selected printer. So you have to select the printer first, and then the paper size, and then the orientation.

    Luckily for you, the built-in Print as PDF virtual printer has A0 as its default paper size. But, not so luckily, I don't think that printer was available in v11.

    And there's the question of which template file to start from. With that paper size and v11, I assume you'd want a 2D metric file?

    It might be easier if you were to post a screen shot of the v11 Page Setup dialog, so we can talk you through the process. That would also be better from the whole "give a man a fish" point of view.