quad icons

In the Toturias I see when using quad many more icons like that I have in my bricscadsoftware. How can I add more icons to my quad. Is There also a video of this?


  • You can add tools to the Quad in the Customize/Quad dialog box.
    See https://help.bricsys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006564754-Customize

  • Starting with a different profile is perhaps better.

  • And in Quad Settings you can extend the Quad to show more columns.
    I use 8 instead of 6 with 3x previous Tools.

    And, with each new Bricscad Version for each operating system,
    if I don't forget,
    I reset Quad to add more Tools per object and extend Roll over Tips
    to show more element information.

  • Thank you very much for the replies. But I find this topic very tricky and I do not succeed in solving this. I also find the help function of BC insufficient explanation. Probably this is because I have difficulty in deeply penetrating the interior of BricsCad. It should be visible to me from step to step and with examples. Again, what my problem is: I now have BC V20 and I see in the movies of the Quad-explanations a lot more icons in use than those I have....... how can I add extra icons to myself? I would like to know, if any, I am going to raise it again. Something else; Quad is highly touted, but is it really a miracle aid in use?

  • I see in the movies of the Quad-explanations a lot more icons in use than those I have.

    Problematic for beginners is that the available tools in Quad
    depend on your current selection mode.
    I still often miss the BIMDRAG tool until I realize that I have selected
    a Solid instead of a Face and such things.
    Also the available tool selection can change from time with new
    Versions of Bricscad and new Workflows. So watching a tutorial
    video that was made with a previous version of Bricscad can be
    distracting too.

    When you customize your user interface and tools,
    under the Quad Tab, on the left side, you will find which Tools are
    already there by default, for each Quad Tab of each Workspace.

    If you miss a special Tool there, you can search for it on the full
    tool list at the right column and drag it to the left column into a
    certain folder.
    But I think that is no guarantee that the new tool will appear in
    every situation as it is coded in that it only appears when being
    useful, depending on your current selection.

  • The tools made available from the QUAD are related to your current WORKSPACE.

    Jason Bourhill
    BricsCAD V20 Ultimate
    CAD Concepts

  • @Michael Mayer said:

    I see in the movies of the Quad-explanations a lot more icons in use than those I have.

    Problematic for beginners is that the available tools in Quad
    depend on your current selection mode.
    I still often miss the BIMDRAG tool until I realize that I have selected
    a Solid instead of a Face and such things.
    Also the available tool selection can change from time with new
    Versions of Bricscad and new Workflows. So watching a tutorial
    video that was made with a previous version of Bricscad can be
    distracting too.

    When you customize your user interface and tools,
    under the Quad Tab, on the left side, you will find which Tools are
    already there by default, for each Quad Tab of each Workspace.

    If you miss a special Tool there, you can search for it on the full
    tool list at the right column and drag it to the left column into a
    certain folder.
    But I think that is no guarantee that the new tool will appear in
    every situation as it is coded in that it only appears when being
    useful, depending on your current selection.

    Thanks Michael Mayer: You point me in the right direction, but I do not come out. You are right the tutorials are from old versions of BricsCad and also the Help feature V20 appears to be based on older versions. I generally find that the help-function often gives insufficient clear information. Again the problem: many and useful quad-items that are shown on the Tutorials are missing (at MI) in the versions V19 and V20. At V16 (I still have this version) it is very simple, namely at customize/workspace the items are clicked and the Switch-off is converted to Switch-on and there is direct success. I have long tried to do this with the V20 too, but I do not succeed. What I need is a manual, where this is done from step to step. I hope you can help me with that............ Greeting Adrie Gunter

  • To follow a tutorial choosing one of the predefined profiles should be enough (I hope). Maybe reinstate the 'Get started' dialog (GETSTARTED setting in V18) and then select one of the presets.

  • @Roy Klein Gebbinck said:
    To follow a tutorial choosing one of the predefined profiles should be enough (I hope). Maybe reinstate the 'Get started' dialog (GETSTARTED setting in V18) and then select one of the presets.

    Hai Dear Roy Klein Gebbinck. I have tried so much, that I now have the courage to ask:......... You guys know more than me, you guys have more look at BC than me (I'm mainly user)....... Please, let's see more detail! All the tutorials are out of the old box, also help from BC........ At V16 it's excellent, but in the later versions I don't come out.

  • @Roy Klein Gebbinck said:
    To follow a tutorial choosing one of the predefined profiles should be enough (I hope). Maybe reinstate the 'Get started' dialog (GETSTARTED setting in V18) and then select one of the presets.

    Hai dear Roy Klein Gebbinck: I have read it translated, but do not quite understand what you meant, in other words: How to put your proposal into practice. Once again I am a user and going too deeply in BC is tricky for me. You can also answer me in Dutch.

  • Roy Klein Gebbinck
    edited November 2019

    OK in Dutch:

    Om een tutorial te volgen zou het kiezen van een voorgedefinieerd profiel voldoende moeten zijn. Een ander profiel kiezen gaat het gemakkelijkst via de 'Get Started' dialoog. Deze dialoog wordt standaard weergeven bij het opstarten van BricsCAD. Als dat bij jou niet het geval is type dan GETSTARTED op de commandoregel en kies ON en herstart BricsCAD.
    Als het gewenste profiel niet wordt getoond onder 'Set current profile' dan kun je via 'PROFILE PRESETS' één van de standaard profielen toevoegen.

    Onthoud wel dat de Quad contextgevoelig is. De inhoud hangt af van:

    1. De workspace (die kies je middels het juiste profiel).
    2. De entiteit(en) onder de cursor / de geselecteerde entiteit(en). De selectie van entiteiten en sub-entiteiten wordt beïnvloed door de SELECTIONMODES variabele. Ik raad aan om de 'Selection Modes' toolbar weer te geven.
    3. De recent gebruikte commando's. Deze vullen (mede) de bovenste regel van de Quad. Deze bovenste regel kan er in een video-tutorial dus heel anders uitzien.
  • Thanks Roy !
    I think I can read most of it.
    Therefore I think it would be valuable for other users in english too.

  • @Roy Klein Gebbinck said:
    OK in Dutch:

    Om een tutorial te volgen zou het kiezen van een voorgedefinieerd profiel voldoende moeten zijn. Een ander profiel kiezen gaat het gemakkelijkst via de 'Get Started' dialoog. Deze dialoog wordt standaard weergeven bij het opstarten van BricsCAD. Als dat bij jou niet het geval is type dan GETSTARTED op de commandoregel en kies ON en herstart BricsCAD.
    Als het gewenste profiel niet wordt getoond onder 'Set current profile' dan kun je via 'PROFILE PRESETS' één van de standaard profielen toevoegen.

    Onthoud wel dat de Quad contextgevoelig is. De inhoud hangt af van:

    1. De workspace (die kies je middels het juiste profiel).
    2. De entiteit(en) onder de cursor / de geselecteerde entiteit(en). De selectie van entiteiten en sub-entiteiten wordt beïnvloed door de SELECTIONMODES variabele. Ik raad aan om de 'Selection Modes' toolbar weer te geven.
    3. De recent gebruikte commando's. Deze vullen (mede) de bovenste regel van de Quad. Deze bovenste regel kan er in een video-tutorial dus heel

    anders uitzien.

    Ha.Roy Klein Gebbinck: Still in translated English, then others can also read along. I thank you for the answer, but it doesn't give me a solution yet.
    I will concretize my question: If I look at various tutorials about Quad (via Quad-help or Youtube) Then I see that they use all kinds of Quad items there, which I miss in my versions of BC. Among other things, add aligned = size. If I want to add this to V16, I'll go to Customize, under workspace, then to Quadsgroups, then Draw and then at Aligned or Add Aligned dimension via right mouse button putting it on Switch On. There is immediate success in my Quad group. With the versions of BC after V16, this is no longer possible in this simple way. If I do so according to the help function (I've received advice from you before to do it this way) Then I'm not going to get out. I have filled in auxiliary screens in every way possible, carried out freshening from left to right, but no success ...

    A friendly request from me now is to say "if you or you see my problem as simple and find it easy, then show me this by portraying the acts from step to step". I'll be grateful to you for this.
    Greetings Adrie Gunter The Netherlands

  • Roy Klein Gebbinck
    edited November 2019

    OK back to English then (I do not understand now why you have asked me to switch to Dutch, but anyway...)

    I still do not think that customizing the Quad is really going to help you. But then again, maybe these step-by-step instructions will further your understanding of the concepts involved:

    1. Start the _Customize command.
    2. Go to the Quad tab.
    3. Right-click the top node (BRICSCAD by default) and select Append quad tab.
    4. Enter 'My stuff' in the Label and Title fields.
    5. Right-click the new node and select Append quad button.
    6. In the tree in the new dialog expand the BRICSCAD node (if required) and then the Inquiry node.
    7. Select List Entity Info and click OK.
    8. In the lower part of the Quad tab click the Entity Filter field and then the ... button that appears on the right.
    9. Select the existing NO_SELECTION filter and remove it.
    10. Click the Add Entity Type(s)... button.
    11. In the Add Entity Alias dialog verify that only the One entity toggle is checked.
    12. Check the ARC toggle and select OK. Again select OK to close the Edit Quad Button Filter dialog.
    13. Go to the Workspaces tab and expand the Quad Tabs node of all workspaces to verify that the new tab has been added to all.
    14. Click OK the exit the Customize dialog.

    You now have a (not very useful) Quad button (and tab) that will only be displayed if a single Arc entity is selected or under the cursor.

    Note: I have had some cases where restarting BricsCAD was required for Quad customizations to take effect. And if your CUI is damaged somehow you may even have to use the Revert to defaults... button first.