PDF import unit

I import a PDF but the unit is in inch. How to change the unit for PDF import?


  • You don't ! Just import and then draw a line the size of a known line then adjust the scale by using align.
    Also be aware that a lot of PDF out there are not to scale in both X and Y. If so make a block and insert it with different scales in x and y.
    Unfortunately a lot of people take a paper size and print fit to page and then the scale is lost

  • There was a disparity between "attach pdf underlay" and "import pdf" in V19, one came in (attach pdf) correctly and the import came in so you needed to scale by 25.4 to get the correct size. This appears to have been fixed in V20 with metric units as far as I can tell.

  • My take is just that Im very cautious about imported scales.

  • I found I should select mm when I create a new file. Import is fine now.