In the release notes for 21.2.03 we find FITLINE and FITARC: "These two new tools will create a line, or a circle/arc, through a set of input data points." Those commands would be quite handy when trying to fit a drawing object to a scanned image or picture. If they're there, though, it's not clear how to invoke them. The command line returns "unable to recognize command." Nothing in the online help, either.


  • I fully agree. I'm surprised no one has responded yet.

  • Will be great for quick n dirty graphing. FITARC will just be ARC>3Points?

  • @Tom Foster said:
    Will be great for quick n dirty graphing. FITARC will just be ARC>3Points?

    Presumably, yes. I'm guessing that it will do a least-squares fit to the selected points. Should yield better results than trying to eyeball three points to the center of a mass of grayscale pixels.

  • This sounds all very intriguing, but without Bricsys telling us how to make it work, it is as much use as a Kamikaze Reunion Party!

    Come on Louis (Verdonck) you have responded to a couple of other posts here today, put us out of our misery :-)

    Or do we need to file a Support request to find out?

  • Hi Guys, the commands were supposed to be included in the most recent update, but for some reason, they did not make it. I trust they will be available in the next update.

  • Thanks Louis,

    Appreciate the quick response & hope you took my comments in the same light heartedness as I wrote them in?

  • Ah I see - FITARC will accept more than 3 points and make the best of it. Good.

  • @Louis Verdonck said:
    Hi Guys, the commands were supposed to be included in the most recent update, but for some reason, they did not make it. I trust they will be available in the next update.

    Roger that; the perils of software development and keeping the code and documentation in synchronization. Let the developer who hasn't made a similar oopsie cast the first variable!

  • This is fixed in v21.2.04