Reverse a line

Is there any way to reverse the 'direction' of a line? in order to alter which end extends when its Length is edited in Properties.


  • I do not know the answer ....

    but I am so happy to have Vectorworks using all 2D objects parametric
    for direct Size Editing in properties palette - and offering a small gizmo (*),
    that allows you to choose the center of scaling.
    (*) Even by adapting the gizmo to your current drawing view, orthogonally
    and isometrics.

    And of course there is a button to switch Lines, Polylines, Walls, .... directions.
  • I use this.
    (defun c:rv ( / e_list e_type memb selset temp) (and (setq selset (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "LINE,LWPOLYLINE,SPLINE,ARC,CIRCLE")))) (setq e_list (vle-selectionset->list selset)) (foreach memb e_list (setq e_type (vle-entget 0 memb)) (cond ;; Line ( (eq "LINE" e_type) (setq temp (vle-entget 10 memb)) (vle-entmod 10 memb (vle-entget 11 memb)) (vle-entmod 11 memb temp) ) ;; LWPolyline ( (eq "LWPOLYLINE" e_type) (command "_pedit" memb "_R" "") ) ;; Arc ( (eq "ARC" e_type) (command "_pedit" memb "_Y" "_R" "") ) ;; Circle ( (eq "CIRCLE" e_type) (command "_pedit" memb "_Y" "_R" "") ) ;; SPLINE ( (eq "SPLINE" e_type) (vla-reverse (vlax-ename->vla-object memb)) ) ) ) ) (princ) )
  • Does the attached do what you need?
  • Pedit reverses polylines. Pick your line Pedit , yes convert, revert . Then explode if you dont want it to stay pline
  • Rotate it 180° about its midpoint.
  • Thanks - all good - but Acad has a simple REVERSE command. Wonder why Brics doesn't.