Manually removing licensing

I have two licenses of Linux BircsCAD Pro V22.
I have a virtual machine(VM) that is fully licensed and functional with license #1.

I would like to copy and distribute this virtual machine(VM) that is fully licensed with license #1.

When I copy the VM the old license #1 does not work, which is good. I'm not trying to pirate a copy of BricsCAD Pro.

On the copied VM, I want to delete the license #1 license files and go back to the trial version then full license the copied VM with my second license #2.

Which files do I delete to force BriscCAD to default back to a fresh install trial version?

Maybe I need to put license #1 back up on the server before copying the VM? Im hesitating doing this due to currently using the license #1 on a large project.


  • Problem solved by deleting licensing files then re-licensing with the normal server.
  • Usually you go to the License Manager (from Menu > Help .... ?)
    and you can deactivate your machine.
    so this activation is free for a new machine.

    The problem is when you crash or lose an OS or VM.
    Then there is no way for you to give free that activation again.
    In this case you have to go to your Bricscad account, Licenses,
    tell them your reasons and ask them to kill that activation.