Load userinterface (cui) only temporary

I start BricsCAD with the following parameter
"C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V23 de_DE\bricscad.exe" /P eObjects /LD "c:\Programdata\AB_DATE\eObjects\CAD_PLATFORM\BricsCAD\starter.lsp"

In the starter.lsp I have the following lines:
(if (= (menugroup "EOBJECTS_TOOLS") nil)

; Menü laden
(command "_CUILOAD" (strcat (getenv "PROGRAMDATA") "\\AB_DATE\\eObjects\\eObjStudio\\CAD\\BricsCAD_2023\\Interface\\eObjects_tools.cui"))

This loads eObjects_tools.cui

Now my issue:
I don't like to have the menugroup "EOBJECTS_TOOLS" for ever

If someone starts BricsCAD only with
"C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V23 de_DE\bricscad.exe"
eObjects_tools.cui should not be loaded again

is this possible; does anyone have a tip for me?

Thanks for your help


  • Other than working out Menu unload sequence. I guess ask load or not on start up. Remove on CLOSE using a reactor Vlr-beginclose.