LOD (Level of detail) adjustment

edited March 2024 in BricsCAD BIM
I'm trying to make plots and drawings from a steel structure. In my 3D model, I use mostly customized components as well as standard components from Bricscad, including bolts and nuts. Now I want to have my drawings show the model differently in the level of details based on the scale of the drawing.
In most BIM software (Revit, Archicad,..) I could easily change the detail level displayed on the screen or the drawings, but in BricsCad so far I could only find THREADDISPLAY to reduce the thread details of screws (it only works on newly inserted parts even after BMUPDATE but that's another story).
I want to know if this LEVELOFDETAIL system variable is in anyway possible to be customized so there is a middle ground between having full detail and having only a boundry box.
Or maybe there is another function I don't know of, that reduces the details of the model based on viewport scale.
