Keyboard reassignment

In V7 you could assign commands to the keys on the numeric keyboard. However I can't seem to do that in V8. I can assign keys on the main keyboard, but the numeric keyboard isn't recognized. I like to assign the + and - keys on the numeric keyboard to zoom in and out.


  • Some of the rules for mnu's don't seem to follow Acad practice, but I have managed to get what I want using the following -Make a .mnu file (if you don't have one already) to append when you issue the CUI or customise command.Make a lisp file to do what you want, then somewhere in the body of the mnu file you refer to it, as in -ID_HFARHFAR;hfarIt will appear in your pull-downs, but that seems to be unavoidable.Then in a section at the end of the mnu file, add - ***ACCELERATORSID_Hfar ["F12"]I can't make "+" do anything, nor in combination with other keys, but the following works -ID_Hfar [Ctrl+"I"]Substitute a lisp of yours for "Hfar" of course and any key combination which suits, but not easy to find what works. In this example it even matters that "Ctrl" is typed exactly that way.Long winded, but it's the one reliable way I have found. If you are not familiar with mnu file, the exercise might be worthwhile anyway.

  • Jess thanks for pointing that out, it will be fixed in the next release.In the mean time, you should be able to get what you want if you edit the CUI file by hand in a text editor: specify the accelerator like this:

  • <KeyCombo AccelChar="+" bUseVirtual="false"/>
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