Documents Tabs

I’ve whipped up a document tabs thingamajig in DRX. While it’s still very beta, some might find it useful. I posted the module over at … me know how it works for ya.Dan


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  • It's terrific. Just what I needed. A tab for each open file, just below the tabs for each layout in the active file. Thanks very much.Is there some way to have it load automatically? I see something in the update notes about an "Autoload.rx" file, but I can't find one of those on my installation. I tried creating one, but I don't know what syntax to use. The syntax for autoloading lisp files didn't work.

  • Thanks Anthony,I just uploaded another update, I added a menu item “Close”, and I upped the font size a little. I’ve been auto-loading by creating a file called on_start.lsp in the Bricscad folder, the lisp looks like ..

    (IF (NOT 38d0bab0-107e-11dd-bd0b-0800200c9a66) (PROGN (PRINC "\nDocTabs.DRX") (ARXLOAD "./support/DocTabs.DRX") (SETQ 38d0bab0-107e-11dd-bd0b-0800200c9a66 T) ))

    Let know if you find any bugs, I know the tab doesn’t update if you do a SaveAs, but it’s on the todo list :)

  • I just uploaded a new one, I just added “save” to the menu.

  • All done.. unless someone finds a bugthe menu items are “Close” “Open” “New” “save” and “SaveAs”maybe if some one gets a chance they can let me know how it works on Vista :)Thanks Dan

  • Very nice addon, considering tabs are used in so many apps. Works well in Vista. I may be considered a bug that when using the "New" command, the tab assumes the name of the template file. Thanks.

  • Great, Thank you for testing this. This one of the little add-ons I couldn’t live without. >>>I may be considered a bug that when using the "New" command, the tab assumes the name of the template file.<<<The Tab text is the current document file name, you will also get these results when opening or saving a file that has a DXF, DWT etc. , extension. Thanks againDan

  • This sounds like a great add-on. Unfortunately I can't get to it. I tried registering on, but it still won't let me on. I have to wait for an "approval" email for some indefinite time. Is there another way to get this?

  • Just so you understand me correctly: The current filename for a blank new drawing is stored by the variable SAVENAME, typically Drawing2.dwg, Drawing3.dwg etc. When I create a new drawing using your tabs, I get a new tab titled "Default-mm.dwt", which is not the correct name of the file, just the template.Nice forum you got there btw (I got my approval in just a few minutes)

  • Try to login now. I guess I need a website where I can post all my goodies :)

  • Hi Dan, thanks for a very useful utility. A couple of observations. If a file has more than 25 characters a new tab isn't opened? Also after a new file is created and then saved, the tab isn't updated to reflect the change from the template name to the saved name. Regards, Daniel

  • Hi,I think I have these fixed , Thanks all for testing this :)

  • I just tried the Tabs out... hey, they are great... Thanks!BricsCad v8.2.8 on Win2kPro

  • works great!!!!

  • I have compiled a new version for Bricscad 8.2.XXX, pretty much the only thing that has changed is, you can now rearrange the tabs by dragging them and I added a couple of pretty little icons to the menu. :)PS, the file is DRXDocTabs, attached to the original post at the swamp

  • I have done more work on this project, any feedback is appreciated added :Close All but thisSave AllOpen Containing Folder

  • Hello! Dan!This is very usefull programm, but in Bricscad 9.0.6 it does not display filenames on it tabs! I tested DRXDocTabs_2.06_8.drx file.

  • Dan, can you publish the source code of your program DRXDocTabs?

  • Thank you>>> but in Bricscad 9.0.6 it does not display filenames on it tabs!I have filed a bug report on this, it seems the reactor OdApDocManagerReactor::documentCreated is acting differently than in 8.2.XXX. I’m sure that I’ll have something working before V9 is released.>>> Dan, can you publish the source code of your program DRXDocTabs?Normally I would, but in this particular case, I cannot. FYI most of the code is from this project only added the events to populate the tabsDan

  • I was able to find a workaround for Bricscad V9, you can find the new binaries at theSwamp.org

  • I have uploaded new files if anyone wants to test them out for me. I have added the ability to set the tab locations to, Top, Bottom, Left or right. Until I build a settings dialog, you can make the changes by setting the environment variable DRXDOCTABS I.e. (SETENV "DRXDOCTABS" "TOP")(SETENV "DRXDOCTABS" "BOTTOM")(SETENV "DRXDOCTABS" "LEFT")(SETENV "DRXDOCTABS" "RIGHT") You must re-launch Bricscad to see the changesDan

  • Hi Dan, I've tried loading the latest versions in V9 but am having no success. I changed the ARXLOAD function in my On_Start but to no avail. No error messages come up it just doesn't show. I have also noticed that when I try to load it manually the directory that contains it ie "\Support" is not visible even though i can see it from the same dialog in V8. Not suggesting this has anything to do with the Tabs just wondering if anyone else has found the same issue. Strange though because I assumed the open dialogs were straight up Windows issue!! Thoughts?

  • The best way to load the routine is, put the file in your support folder DRXDocTabs_2.06_8.drx is for V9.XXXDRXDocTabs_2.05_8.drx is for V8.2.XXDRXDocTabs_2.04_8.drx is for V8.1.XXX In your support folder there should a filed called autoload.rx (if there is not you can create one) Edit the file autoload.rx with notepad and put the name of the file in. I.e. mine looks like.;write comments hereDRXDocTabs_2.06_8.drxDRXNET_2.06_8.DLLLet me know how this works for you.

  • Ah maybe thats it; there is no DLL in the current zipfile?

  • Sorry, you don’t need the line DRXNET_2.06_8.DLL,only the DRXDocTabs_2.06_8.drx file.Do you have this?

  • That seemed to work. I removed them from the OnLoad Lisp and created the autoload.rx file and all is good. Thanks.

  • Good deal, glad it works for you. :)

  • Where is this "autoload.rx" file documented? Can I automatically load any files with this? How about lisp files?

  • Autoload.rx is a replacement for icad.sds, which is designed for loading DLL applications. For lisp applications have a look at On_start_default.lsp and on_doc_load_default.lsp for loading lisp applications

  • I compiled up a new versions that have menu options for the tab placement and I fixed a few minor issues


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