Embankment Slopes

Has anyone got a good way of drawing embankment slopes. In autocad there are some add-ons like Geotools which do this. Do you use a special hatch or measure blocks along a line or how?CheersJohn


  • if i understood your point...I use a block with two parallel lines of different lenghts and use de Measure command to insert it along the bank line with the rotating option on.

  • Hi John,Sorry for the (very) late response. I am the developer of the GeoTools software for AutoCAD and we are now working on porting the product to the BricsCAD platform. In fact, we have a preliminary version running already, some commands work perfectly and some other work partially or not at all. We hope to sort out most bugs and have the product up and running by next month.Read here to know the latest of GeoTools-AutoCAD. www.4d-technologies.com/geotoolsYou can expect to see the same (or much of it) running under BricsCAD soon. We will have English, Spanish and German interfaces as well.Your feedback and wish-lists are greatly appreciated.Write to me. I will be glad to assist.rakesh.rao@4d-technologies.com- Rakesh Rao- Four Dimension Technologies- Bangalore, India

  • RakeshThanks for your reply.I would like to try out your software.CheersJohn

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