Shift+Right click then selecting Point Snap appears to have a different result whether you are in a command or not. When no command is running it launches '_NODE (with apostrophe), when in a command it launches _POI (no apostrophe). _POI is only recognized when in a command.
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Mr. Kevin Smith, why do you supply an invalid email address. "lksmith@swbell.net" returns an email error: ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----lksmith@swbell.net (reason: 550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias: lksmith@swbell.net) ----- Transcript of session follows -----... while talking to swb.prodigy.net.:>>> DATA<<< 550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias: lksmith@swbell.net550 5.1.1 lksmith@swbell.net... User unknown<<< 554 5.5.0 No recipients have been specified.
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I've changed my Service Provider since I first contacted you people over a year ago. Filling out the name and email info each time we reply gets old. Sorry, I kind of got lazy, you know, the way you guys are about fixing your bugs.