brics shut-down after about 30 mintues work

i'm working on bricscad without any other software running on a sufficiently powerful computer yet after about 30 mintues bricscad can't perform the simplest of tasks and has to be restarted. Feels like a memory managment problem. it didn't used to happen, perhaps I've installed a new version that messed something up, or.. is it a virus ?




  • I used to wonder if frequent saving alleviates the chance of a crash (I still wonder), but it sure helps if it happens.

    I do it from habit.

    I have to say, I have not crashed for a long long time.

  • Are you running any third party applications?

  • Are you using a recent Bricscad version (current release is V10.4.10?)

    Could you please upgrade to this release and file a support request if the problem persists?

  • I have same problem, but with v10 general. I'm not very happy from v10. ;( I have reported it. I have now 10.4.10-1 and it's same.

    In my case, it's not reproduceable, sometime I work 1-2hour and then it crash, sometimes it crashe "continually" after 10-30min.

    Very often BC after crash, stay as process which start at ie. 100MB used memory and continuesly using more and more memory. I must handy stop proces when I want continue at work.

  • I'm using Briscad ver. 10.4.8 and my condition is the same as Juraj Matel. Nor do other applications run on my system.

    I quick-save all the time, I change two-three things and hit ctrl+s - to be sure, you never know (not that my crashes are abrupt and terminal, rather they are in forms of many ghosts and wrong colors dominating the screen with no bars access. well you just have to restart when it happens, but you can still save before you do). 

  • I can confirm Jurajs´and Yuvals´observations.
    Me too, I´ve had frequent crashes and even after Bricscad shut down there was still
    a process "bricscad.exe" running in the task manager. I have less crashes now, I don´t know
    if it has something to do with switching off "panbuffer" or if the later versions generally
    are more stable or if I prevent crashes by exiting Bricscad when display colors start to turn
    wrong and ghost images appear. This happens about every two or three hours.
    I suspect (of course not scientific, just a rough feeling) that Bricscad doesn´t go along well
    with certain brands of graphic devices. My question to you Juraj and Yuval is : I use a Matrox P650,
    what kind of graphic card are you using ?

  • In my case it's GFX and also panbuffer independent, but: on desktop XP SP3 have nVidia GeForce 9600 GT and on NB Toshiba Satellite Pro L300-20K have Mobile Intel® GMA 4500M.

  • We have got the same problem here at our company. Our licences have been running on some Asus Pundit computers of various setup, but with no add-ons to the Bricscad itself. These computers may not be the best setup for cad, with their rather basic graphics capabilities. Still, on 2D cad we have had no problems being productive.

    Due to all these crashes, which to my experience have been the same on the last 3-4 versions, we have purchased 3 new Dell Precision T1500 desktops, with ATI FirePro 2260 grahics cards, built for cad. But after just 2 days of testing, we have to conclude that our problems remains the same, if not worse; as for the old computers we had time to save and then shut down, while on the new Dells, Bricscad just drops out with no warning.

    The previous computers run on XP, while Dell OS are Windows 7.

  • My machine is a very basic system 4 years old with XP and it's very stable. I set anti-virus software to do nothing but scan once a week (I know that's bad, but it helped on less stable machines in the past).

    Can I make 2 suggestions which just might help-

    Previously working Lisp functions have caused me a deal of trouble where subtle changes were made in Icad for compatability with Autolisp, one line in the on_doc_load.lsp actually crashed Icad on opening.

    I have had the occasional file which displayed strange behavior such as the cursor only travelling 3/4 of the way to the end of line in the mtext editor, nothing seemed to help except cutting and pasting into an empty file. Perhaps such a thing can happen even to the empty file created or used when Icad opens?

  • I was having problems, so I swapped video cards from an nVideo to an ATI with no positive results.  I also have had crashes where there is a remaining instance of bricscad.exe running after the crash which shuts bricscad down.  In the task manager, no instances of bricscad appear running but in processes there is one, which is very busy.  Soooo, what I did is load bricscad on an older Pentium 4 machine that does not have dual core technology and no problems since (2 weeks), knock on wood!  Seems to indicate a runaway thread in the program to me (or not) I'm no software engineer. Since the signs of impending crash appear to be graphics irregularities, I suspect that bricscad is piping some graphics functions to the other core if it exists?  Oh well, hope you find it, for now I'm on my old trusty HP P4 3.0ghz, WinXp SP3 working away.

  • Hello Yuval,

    can you please upgrade to 10.4.10 and let us know if this stops the ghosts and wrong colors (and the crashes?)

    10.4.10 contains an important fix for the copying of the color palette during buffered panning.

  • With reference to post of yesterday, I can confirm that we are running the latest version, and have done so on several computer configurations. Problems persist..

  • We also have Bricscad crash occasionally.  The latest version is improved, but still  crashes about twice a week.  The computer has a Phenom 3-core processor and is using on-board video, running Windows 7 64 bit.  We have not been able to determine what triggers the shut downs.

  • I installed v10.4.11.19170 and same situation - very often with this module:

    Unhandled Exception:
    ACCESS_VIOLATION (C0000005) in module DD_Db_2.06_8.dll at 001B:639179A0


  • Do you have any tables in your drawing?

  • No. (with tables you mean tables like Excel / Word)

  • No. (with tables you mean tables like Excel)

  • I meant AcDbTable entities ,  I've been having a bit of trouble with these. If not, no worries

  • Juraj,

    10.4.11 , besides fixes for 3 types of crashes that were reported recently, also contains further improvements to our crash report mechanism: if we cannot reproduce crashes experienced by our users, then this looks like the fastest way to come to a solution. It would be very helpful if you could attach the crash_report.txt files produced with 10.4.11 to a support request.

  • Hans: see my RequestID:24769.

    Daniel: As I known, no.


  • We had three shutdowns of 10.4.11 today.  In two cases Bricscad suddenly disappeared.  In the third we were zooming and the screen froze with several zoom levels visible, then Bricscad closed after about 30 seconds.  We did not see a crash report for any of the shutdowns.  Phenom II X3 720, 4GB RAM, Biostar TA790GXB A2+, on-board graphics, Windows 7 Home.

  • Martin,

    if these crashes occurred with the same drawing (or with drawings that are somehow related), could you please provide us with such drawing by attaching it to a support request?

  • Hans,

    We continued to work on the files yesterday after the crashes so I doubt that there would be much of value.  I have sent a copy of a file made immediately after a crash today.  I did remove the block of my engineer's seal but otherwise the file is unchanged.  The designer said he had 12 tabs open at the time of the crash.  He also reports that there are three failure modes.  Some shutdowns come without warning -- one moment Bricscad is running and the next moment it has disappeared.  Some (maybe most) shutdowns seem to occur during zooming.  There are two modes we have seen.  In some cases we see multiple images on the screen at multiple zoom levels, after which the program hangs for several seconds then disappears.  In some cases the crosshairs (set at 100%) freeze in position but the aperture continues to be movable, with the program disappearing several seconds later.

    We will try to make notes when we see shutdowns and will send files when appropriate.

    The good news is that we have not had a blue screen with Bricscad 10.4.11.



  • Martin,

    thanks for providing the drawing!

    When you wrote "12 tabs open", I assume you are using Daniel Marcotte's DocTabs? Some questions come to mind:

    1. Please try working without the DocTabs application for a while, does this influence the crash behavior? It is by no means my intent to offend Daniel, this is strictly a matter of drilling to the core of the issue and ruling out all possible causes.

    2. Do you or your designers have the impression that the sheer number of open drawings influences the crash behavior, does it make a difference when working with only 2 or 3 simultaneously opened drawings for a while?

    Allthough we really try to handle out-of-memory conditions gracefully, they can indeed lead to crashes that could be described as 'the app is disappearing': though the drawing you provided is quite small,  when keeping lots of drawings open simultaneously, chances increase to run into the memory limit.

  • @Hans: I can "confirm" Martin's zooming and very often it crashed also, when swithching paperspace -> model space or have open multiple DWGs (more then 5) and one close and also when open DWG direct from email (read only) and close. I use Daniel's DocsTabs, but I try work without before, but same situation, I try it today without this agian.

  • We just had another crash and hopefully have better data.  There were four drawings open at the time.  The crash happened during a zoom command.  We saw multiple copies of the screen image at different zoom factors.  The program continued to run for a few seconds, during which time it appeared to respond to the mouse, then we had a blue screen.  We find that we have to zoom many, many times a day because the scrollbars do not work well (the arrow keys on the scrollbars work, but dragging the bar is at best unpredictable).  The crash report is

    Problem signature:
     Problem Event Name:    BlueScreen
     OS Version:    6.1.7600.
     Locale ID:    1033

    Additional information about the problem:
     BCCode:    3b
     BCP1:    00000000C0000005
     BCP2:    FFFFF960000EA09B
     BCP3:    FFFFF88006D637A0
     BCP4:    0000000000000000
     OS Version:    6_1_7600
     Service Pack:    0_0
     Product:    768_1


    We changed put the memory this morning, going from 2GB to 4GB.  This was known good memory taken from another computer.  No other changes.  No other apps running other than Thunderbird.

  • Hello Martin,

    what you added here is a crash report created by the operating system, not created by the Bricscad application. Mmm, let me try to explain: your report is meant for Microsoft engineers who, under all circumstances, should avoid that the operating system crashes ( = blue screen). No application should be able to cause a crash of the operating system. So far for theory, in reality there is a fair chance that this is related to the Bricscad application, though not necessarily: it could be that the staggered redrawing of the display is caused by your operating system that is dying. Another possibility is that Bricscad indeed is crashing, and while doing so, also causes the operating system to crash.

    If your operating system dies first, there is little we can do, if on the other hand Bricscad crashes first, it will have made an attempt to write a log showing which function calls have been leading to the crash. Given that the OS is also crashing at that moment, it is not sure if Bricscad will have had a chance to succesfully create this file. Could you please check if you find one (or more) files named 'crash_report.txt' in your Bricscad startup folder(s)? Usually the startup folder is the folder where bricscad.exe is located, e.g. C:\Program Files\Bricsys\Bricscad V10\. If you start Bricscad by double-clicking a drawing, then the folder where that drawing resides will be the startup folder.

    If you find such file(s), please also attach them to your SR25233. Thanks!

  • Hello Hans


    After your answer I searched for such a file on my system and indeed there is one. But its rather old - firts entry in January, last one begin June -

    would that be of any help to you ?

  • Jörg,

    could be, let's give it a try

  • Hans

    Not knowing how to attach a file in the forum, I oppened another support request, it's 25293. I attached the file there.

    Good luck !

This discussion has been closed.