Why Bricscad doesn't support saving multi-menuload?

If I load more than one customized menus,it can't appear again if I closed Bricscad.

So is it that Bricscad can't  support saving multi-menuload?


  • Do you use:
    File > Load partial CUI file...
    in the Customize dialog?

  • Hello,

    I am not sure what exactly you mean? If I load two CUI files in Bricscad, say MenuA.CUI and MenuB.CUI, close Bricscad and restart again, I can still see them loaded. I see no problem here.

    Is there anything else in your question that I did not understand?

    Rakesh Rao
    Blog: http://rakeshrao.typepad.com




  • Thank u for replying:)

    I am sorry I didn't express myself well.

    Yes, what u said is ture.

    I know that I can load more than one partial CUI if I retain the Bricscad default CUI file, and they can be reserved.

    Now the problem is that I've made a CUI file which contains menu bar, and I replace the BricsCAD CUI with it.

    So under this contion,I can never see MenuA.CUI and MenuB.CUI after closing Bricscad and restarting it again.

    I am sorry,for my poor expression.Thank u again.


  • Check this post:
    #3: minimum for a main CUI
    #6: menu container

  • Thank you Roy and Rakesh.

    Roy,thank you for your point.

    Following your thought,I find the code concerned the partial MenuFile in the default.cui


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><CustSection xml:lang="en-US">   <FileVersion IncrementalVersion="2" MajorVersion="0" MinorVersion="3" UserVersion="0"/>   <Header>      <CommonConfiguration>         <CommonItems>        <PartialMenuFile>C:\MenuA.cui</PartialMenuFile>        <PartialMenuFile>C:\MenuB.cui</PartialMenuFile></CommonItems>      </CommonConfiguration>      <WorkspaceRoot>         <WorkspaceConfigRoot/>      </WorkspaceRoot>   </Header>

    So in conclusion, We can make a main CUI,that contains customzied CUI, by adding the file address between

     <PartialMenuFile>  </PartialMenuFile> 



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