Print to PDF


I am a new user Bricscad and I have a problem with printing to PDF in Linux. My problem is with custom size paper. I have followed the instructions, the new paper sizes when choosing prove it but when I select the dimension change is still of size A4 paper or another that was there before. Do not know any other method to set its own paper size, because it is inconvenient to switch to windows and print it with another program.

I've noticed that do not work or some paper sizes that have been in the original PPD file

I use Bricscad v13.1.19 on Debian 7 64bit.

Thank you


  •  You can try changing the default paper size to your custom size. In a web browser, go to http://localhost:631/printers/ select your pdf printer; under "administration" select "set default options" and finally, select "custom" from the page size options. You will probably need to fiddle with it awhile until you get what you want. - Hope this helps.
  • Thank you for your reply, but this did not work me because I started with this. I have a question,works to someone print to pdf with custom paper size, if so what version of cups and cups-pdf has and what operating system used (except Windows).

    Thank you

  • I'm sorry you haven't been able to make that work for you. You might also try creating a PDF that is larger than you need and then running the command "pdfcrop" from the command line. It will clean the white space away from the 4 edges of the "paper." If you draw a rectangle (or 4 corners) of the size paper you need, pdfcrop will trim to it. Not the best way to do it, but it does work.

    Pdfcrop is probably in your distribution's repository and there are on-line instructions as well as help if you enter the command by itself.

    For what it's worth, I'm using CUPS 1.6.2 and Linux Mint 15 "Olivia" Cinnamon 64-bit.

    Good luck.

  • Not sure if this will help
    Using CUPS 1.5.4-2.1-rosa2012.1 and CUPS-PDF 2.6.1-1-rosa2012.1.

    Also take a look at and look for the reference to papersize.
    Cups pdf uses the config file /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf. Backup this file to your home directory and then look for the gs (ghostscript) command line.
    You could try  -sPAPERSIZE=a4 (for example) on the end of this. Do not create a new line but place it on the end of the rather long ghostscript command line.
  • Hi there
    I have encountered the similar problems.My PDF files size always smaller than  what i want to get when i am printing to PDF files.
    What should i do?Or is there any powerful PDF printer which supports to do that directly?
    Thanks for any suggestions.
  • Is there a real PDF Printer (ie Cute) for Linux  that makes it easy to print to pdf?
    CUPS is not do-able and Export works but can't be adjusted in the print interface. Each drawing is different and needs the ability to sometimes "window " the model space objects.
    For now I'm using Draftsight to print to pdf without the hassles.

  • Ok, update & FYI the CUPs pdf generic works good. I found that it would not let me into the custom settings to find where it was sending the pdfs to, so I had to go to var/log/cups folder and open terminal from that folder and do the  ' cat cups-pdf_log 'to see where cups was sending the pdfs. They were on my home/desktop.
    So no longer need Draftsight. Disregard last question.

    Fedora 20
  • Hello Rodolphe,

    did you try the Publish command in BricsCAD?
    You mention that "Export works but can't be adjusted in the print interface".
    Export is meant to show the entire contents, whereas print is meant for a selected part of the drawing, in a highly configurable way.
    Publish controls an entire set of print configurations, with the additional feature that you can choose to publish to PDF instead of to a printer device.

    Kind Regards
  • Yes, the Publish works really well, I was also able to get the CUPS to work. So both situations are working for me now.
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