transparency in layers

I know brics cad supports transparency with objects (back ground color, alpha channel, etc) but what about transparency in layers like AutoCAD does?



  • you mean it works with images only right?

    I do not see anything about transparency for entities, harcoded or bylayer. So I'm wondering too.

  • and, since brics cad doesn't support transparent layers, when will it institute what we use all the time in auto cad? We have both AutoCAD and brics cad in our office. What we currently have to do is not print from brics cad any files that have transparent layers in them. It's a pain.


  • hmm, lucky for us, we do not use transparency a lot yet.

    Bricscad is very interesting, as it seems like the "slightly behind autocad" actually works in our favor.

    Let Autodesk fiddle with things that never work first release, then let bricscad get them right the next release.

    I stronly believe there is a huge gap in cad tools though, that Autodesk continues to ignore, or misunderstand.

    It is the tools that manage many dwg's without opening them. We do not want a doc management software like vault.

    We want tools to handle xref renaming, cleaning, and many other things without opening the dwgs.

    Terry Dotson has approached many of these topics, yet autodesk ignores them. Maybe to leave stuff for us to do.

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