Hyperlink to a specific page into a pdf file located on my desktop


I have created a hyperlink to a MText to an existing .pdf file located on my desktop. It is working -> it opens the file.

ex:   c:\Users\JohnDoe\desktop\file.pdf

But now I want to open it directly to a specific page. If I am addting #page=3 to the end of the hyperlink it simply doesn't open the file anymore.

ex:   c:\Users\JohnDoe\desktop\file.pdf#page=3

Any idea on how to get this done?




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  • From what I can find in the PDF doc's your syntax looks correct...

    However, you might have to use a destination as opposed to a page, check out the link above, under the heading "Open a PDF file to a set destination"
  • Thanks Scott, but this is not helping me at all.... I haven't found a solution yet.
  • I don't think this can be accomplished using a hyperlink. A hyperlink links to a file and the operating system then decides which application should be used. The problem is that the file "c:\Users\JohnDoe\desktop\file.pdf#page=3" does not exist.

    I see two alternatives:

    Use Lisp code. But you cannot start the code from a hyperlink.
    [code](startapp " /A \"page=4\" \"C:\\Downloads\\pdf_open_parameters.pdf\"")[/code]

    Create .js or .vbs scripts with the correct dos command line parameters for each page you want to open. And hyperlink to the scripts.
    Example of a .vbs script:
    [code]Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    WshShell.Run """C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe"" /A ""page=4"" ""C:\Downloads\pdf_open_parameters.pdf"""[/code]

  • It looks like BricsCAD opening an attached hyperlink gets passed to the _URL command. If you _REDEFINE this command, you may be able to replace with your own command, per Roy's suggestions. however, you would need to parse the link provided first.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts

  • Roy, the option #2 you offered does exactly what I needed. Thanks a million for the help!
  • Thank you for the feedback Emanuel.

    I see now that the code in my first suggestion got mangled by the forum. Pointy brackets again...
    Here is a revised version without pointy brackets:
    [code](startapp "\"C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 7.0\\Reader\\AcroRd32.exe\" /A \"page=4\" \"C:\\Downloads\\pdf_open_parameters.pdf\"")[/code]
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