Grdraw limit at about 10k

I have routines that make extensive use of grdraw.

I started seeing the screen freeze and graphics window act very odd.

run this in 14 or 15 to see the effect:

  (SETQ ANG 0.0
        RAD 1.0
        PT1 (LIST 0.0 0.0 0.0)
  (REPEAT 15000
    (GRDRAW PT1 PT2 4)
    (SETQ PT1 PT2
          RAD (+ RAD 1.2)
          ANG (+ ANG (/ PI 8.0))

Is there a known limitation to grdraw? Autocad handles this no problem so not expected.


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  • Looks to me that GRDRAW performance is dependent on your visual style. Performance seems fine if _SHADEMODE is set to 2dWireframe, drops of significantly if you set to a rendered style such as Modeling. In a rendered view it seems to refresh the display between each GRDRAW, so you only see the last line segment.

    [code](DEFUN C:TESTGRDRAW ( / ANG PT1 CTR rep PT2 RAD)
        (initget 7)
      (SETQ ANG 0.0
            RAD 1.0
            PT1 (LIST 0.0 0.0 0.0)
            CTR 0
            rep (getint "Enter number of times to repeat: ")
      (REPEAT rep
        (SETQ PT2 (POLAR PT1 RAD ANG))
        (GRDRAW PT1 PT2 4)
        (SETQ PT1 PT2
              RAD (+ RAD 1.2)
              ANG (+ ANG (/ PI 8.0))
          (princ (strcat "\n" (itoa (setq CTR (1+ CTR)))))

    I modified your code a bit to allow you to change the number of repeats.

    I would raise a support request on this.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts 

  • That is what I tested on 2d wireframe.

    I'm not worried about speed, and currently its fast enough. I am concerned with stability, and 15k grdraws is freaking out bcad. The display freezes for areas, and dialogs go whacko.

    Are you saying you do not see this?

    How high can you push that loop amount, 100k? thanks a bunch for your testing on this.

    BTW, I am on win7, 64 bit, dell Precision M6800, 16gb ram, so it aint the machine :)

  • 100k no problem.

    HP Z420, CPU Xeon E5-1620 3.60 GHz, 16GB Ram, Nvidia Quadro K2000, Win 7 64bit, BricsCAD V15.1.08 64bit

    Perhaps a driver issue? If you run REDSDKINFO it will report details on your graphics, and if a more recent driver is available provide a link.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts 

  • awesome!!! love it if the problem is me, that has hope :)

    thx again

  • so I got:

    RedSDK product version: 3.2 (build 14)
    RenderUsingHardware: Hybrid hardware mode.
    OpenGL window creation succeeded.
    Operating system: Win_seven64
    Local GPU:
        GPU information:
            name:     'Unknown NVIDIA graphics adapter'
            chipset:  ''
            class:    'HW_NVIDIA_GENERIC'
            asicID:   '4535'
            vendorID: '4318'
            recommended driver: ''
        Installed driver:
            driver:      'NVIDIA Forceware 331.82'
            dll version: ''
            This driver is newer than all internal known revisions.
            validation: 'Ok, newer'
            You could try out this driver: ''
    Local GPU:
        GPU information:
            name:     'Unknown INTEL graphics adapter'
            chipset:  ''
            class:    'HW_INTEL_GENERIC'
            asicID:   '1046'
            vendorID: '32902'
            recommended driver: ''
        Installed driver:
            driver:      ''
            dll version: ''
            validation: 'No driver installed'
            You could try out this driver: ''
    Selected GPU:
        Chipset: HW_NVIDIA_G400
        Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation ( IsNVidia )
        OpenGL version: 4.4.0
        Renderer: Quadro K4100M/PCIe/SSE2
        OpenGL extensions: GL_AMD_multi_draw_indire........

    I do not want to start playing with drivers if I can avoid it.

    I will not have control of my users exact driver, and am worried they will have even less capable drivers.

    I better do the support request to see if there are particular known ones with issues...

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