Disappearing MTEXT labels in Autodesk application after exploded in Brics

edited March 2017 in 2D Drafting

We often get surveys from out-of-office that were created with Civil 3D.
Whenever we explode their MTEXT labels from w/in Brics some (not all) of them disappear when you reopen with an AutoDesk application, Civil 3D included. But do show when you are in Brics.
I've been all of the web, even the dark web (joke), and cannot find anyone with a similar experience. A side by side image on a Word.doc has been provided for clarity.
From what I can muster it appears to be an issue with whatever Civil 3D is creating. The hardest part about pinpointing this issue is that is doesn't affect all MTEXT labels.

Also, from within the Autodesk app, there is absolutely nothing to select but within Brics you can modify, edit, etc.


  • You may want to present this to the Bricsys team. If you want the forum to have a look then please post a dwg (with a 'good' and a 'bad' mtext).

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