Right click customization issue

I am trying to set mouse right click to what it used to be in AutoCad, drop down menu with copy with base point etc...
I was told that shortcutmenu command changed to 7 should take care of it.
At this point mouse right click gives me icon strip that is kind of useless.


  • Try to hold down the the right button for a while and you should get the context menu, as in AutoCAD. What you see with the right click is the Quad Cursor, and you can toggle that on and off in the Status Bar (bottom right) - QUAD.

  • Wiebe van der Worp
    edited September 2017

    Some users of competition like fast RMB is enter and slow RMB is context menu. Without a QUAD it is an efficient way to:

    • End a running command correctly with enter (fast RMB),
    • Repeat the last command with a next enter (fast RMB) or
    • Show context menu (SLOW RMB). (Wish I could figure out how to replace slow RMB context menu for QUAD...)

    @bricktop: If that is the behaviour you want go to settings, search "shortcut menu" and also select "16" on top of your "7" (sum bitcode becomes: 1+2+4+16=23). That, combined with QUAD toggling as Per suggests, is a powerful combo. QUAD on/off can also be done with "F12"

    On the other hand, the concept of QUAD is by far better than a context menu and having commands so close to your cursor is a time saver. It deserves at least a period of trying to get used to it, in my humble opinion.

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