Select and snap

Hello, I have a pair of things i would like to change in the configuration of brycscad and I dont know how. One thing is that, I am a former user of autocad and when i use brycscad when i select an item, lets say a Polyline for example, sometimes it doesnt get selected, you have to be very accurate to select it, and click a few times til it gets selected. Is something it didnt occur on autocad. So I dont know if this can be changed in the configuration. The other thing is whith the refent, it happens something similar, if i dont get close enough to select a item with the refent (snap?) it does not get selected in the exact point. For example I am coping a square and use one corner as the point of copy, if i dont get close enough i copy with a point close to the corner, but not the corner. Sorry if I have not explained myself properly but its difficult for me to use technical vocabulary in English. Thanks and good bye.


  • I think the first problem has something to do with the speed of the click of the mouse. When i click to fast it doesnt get selected

  • Two settings may be involved:

    1. APERTURE: Your APERTURE may be too small. The default is 10 pixels.
    2. OSMODE: It seems you have the _Nearest snap turned on as one of your 'running osnaps'. This is a bad idea.


  • Thanks, the aperture has worked for the snap (I didnt had the nearest snap on)

  • To select entities, the size of the pickbox is involved. The default value is 4. To make sure the right entity is selected when you click, the value of the SELECTIONPREVIEWDISPLAY system variable controls whether the entity that is touched by the pick box highlights. If multiple entities are under the pickbox, repeatedly hit the TAB-key to highlight all candidates one by one, then click when the desired entity highlights. When QUADDISPLAY = ON, bitcode 1 of SELECTIONPREVIEWDISPLAY is treated as ON.

  • Ok now i see the problem, when working fast i pass the pick box over the entity and click, but i do it too fast, if i wait a second till the entity highlights there is no problem, so the question now is, is it possible to make the entity to highlight faster? Thanks

  • The PreviewDelay user preference controls how long you have to pause over an entity before it highlights. The value is expressed in milliseconds. Default = 30.

  • I think its something different, it feels like if I had to press harder the bottom in brycscad than in autocad, so when i go fast it does not get selected sometimes, I am doing it at the same time with the both programs and it is easier in autocad, any idea?

  • @PedroParamo:
    I am not sure what is causing your issue but it is worth checking these settings:

    1. QUADDISPLAY: 'QUAD' in the Status Bar.
    2. ROLLOVERTIPS: 'RT' in the Status Bar.
    3. SELECTIONMODES: Selection Modes toolbar.

    Of course all three settings can also be changed in the _Settings dialog.

  • Ok I go on trying to find what is the problem. Definitly in Autocad this problem does not happen. It seems that what happens is that when i click and move a little bit the mouse, the item does not get selected. That why it happens when you are moving fast.

  • Ok, more info. I have brycscad in my laptop too. And it doesnt happen as bad as in my pc. I use windows 7 in my pc and windows 10 in the laptop. Any idea?

  • A mouse click is registered when you release the mouse button, not when pressing it ...

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