Lee Mac Grtext in BricsCAD

With some help i now have a nice piece of code to check the begin & endpiont of entities
However, i think a part of the code is not working in BricsCAD. Can that be?

This part

of this piece of code.


  • Wiebe van der Worp
    edited January 2018

    Hi Hans

    You get this error?

    ; error : no function definition <LM:GRTEXT> ; expected FUNCTION at [eval]

    At the end of ShowSE.lsp, LM:GRTEXT is used, but it is not loaded, causing the error.

    Somewhere in the middle there is a line you should uncomment so it says:
    (load "GrTextV1-1.lsp")

    In the link you posted there is a link to: http://www.lee-mac.com/lisp/GrTextV1-1.lsp. Not obviously, but you need that one too because function LM:GrText is defined there.

  • There is a known incompatible behavior with the (grvecs) function in BricsCAD. On Acad it accepts DCS coordinates, in BricsCAD UCS. It should work if you comment the following line at the beginning of (LM:DisplayGrText):
    ;pnt (trans pnt 1 2)

  • Roy Klein Gebbinck
    edited January 2018

    @Hans Lammerts:
    Here is a ShowSE version that should work for AC and BC. Note: It will only draw X's, but I think that is enough.

    Edit: It seems you cannot update an attachment. See the next post for the new version.

  • Thanks Roy, The aim is to have functions compatible with both.

  • here it is. Its only working in UCS World. It dosn't matter whitch CAD System. I put these 2 files into one and changed this line Owen sayed.

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