Missing grdraw during slicing

Hans Lammerts
edited January 2020 in 3D Modeling

I miss the (ortho) line indication for precision slicing in graphic mode (keyless entry).
Check this video what i mean, extrude has it. And ThatOtherCAD has one too for slicing. Need to have

Some code like beneath. Lee Mac's grdraw function.

(while (not p1)
(setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick or specify start point : "))
(while (not p2)
(setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\nPick or specify end point : "))
(grdraw p1 p2 6 1)


  • Roy Klein Gebbinck
    edited January 2020

    As a workaround try using temporary tracking: After the first point enter 'tk' and then '@'.

  • Hans Lammerts
    edited January 2020
    I figures it out. Some more possibilities. It needs an extra [Enter] to trigger the ortho lines in 3points option. Little different than i used to do in Autocad. Thanks!

    (Defun c:sli () (command "slice" (ssget) "" "3points"))