When open cad it is posible to convert in metric units?

Hello, i have a lot of cad drawings on Autocad.When i opened , BricsCad not convert in my curent insertion & measurement units, meters.It is posible to make this incovenience to convert auto?
Bricscad V19 Pro.


  • Hi valtop I am not sure what you mean exactly, let me give a try... INSUNITS is stored in the drawing. So opening AutoCAD drawings should not alter INSUNITS in BricsCAD. Could it be that INSUNITSDEFSOURCE and INSUNITSDEFTARGET are set different compared to AutoCAD? If you want a full understanding, read this: https://vanderworp.org/en/cad-insert-and-units/

  • this is an issue I've been having too, I resolved it by : typing "units" in the command bar and then changing the insertion and measurement fields in the opened window into meters. If it's the same issue I am having it's not the drawing that's in imperial just the insertion/measurement.

    I'm guessing there's a bit number difference between ACAD and BCAD that causes this issue.

    If this is not the same problem apologies.