How to use BRX API's without installing Bricsys software
I wanted to use BRX API's to read an IFC file for their quantity properties and use them in our product. I have downloaded the SDK(BRXSDK_Bcad_V21_2_02) and started reading the IFC properties.
I could able to read the basic level of properties by modifying the BimIfcImport project in the Bimsample solution.
I have tried to load the modified .brx file into BricsCAD using command line and could able to test the IFC files using ..."C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V21 en_US\bricscad.exe" /ld "D:\BricsCAD\BRXSDK_Bcad_V21_2_02\samples\brxBimSample\Debug\x64\BimSample21.brx"
Since for the above process i am using the Bricsys Software using the command line, is there any way i can do the same without launching the software ??? I know without BricsCAD we can't get the services from the software but what i am interested is , how other software are using the BRXAPI's to get the services and use them in their products??
Is BRX API's only serves for customizing the Bricsys software as per customer choice??
BRX (like ARX) is an in-process API, runs as DLL interface inside bricscad.exe process ... so no way to have a BRX based module (as DLL) running without the host application :-)
many greetings !0 -
That kind of question gets asked all the time for autodesk products also.
Some people use the mother app to launch a cad session, then control it to do their thing.
Another way is to use the realdwg or teigha method, which you can read up on.
It truly runs without a graphical session, and I used to use it to clean drawings.
I found this you can read: is on the autodesk forum, so you need to be researching both bricsys and autodesk forums to navigate your subject.
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@Torsten Moses Yes your right, i need to have the BricsCAD in order to load my brx and do the stuff. so i am doing that in a silent mode so that i dont need to see the software. I am just using BRX API's to process further. Thank you for your time.
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@James Maeding Thank you for your time James, I was launching the BricsCAD in silent mode and loading my Brx module and processing further to solve my problem. For launching the application in silent mode i am using the Interop dll's provided by the software and referred them in my .net application project.