Problem with Radical Purge addon and PDF Underlay
When using the "Radical Purge" add-on when all the options are selected (see Capture.PNG screenshot),
In some of my drawings I get the error massage seen in Capture1.PNG
When I Uncheck the "PDF Underlay" I don't get that error.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?...

When using the "Radical Purge" add-on when all the options are selected (see Capture.PNG screenshot),
In some of my drawings I get the error massage seen in Capture1.PNG
When I Uncheck the "PDF Underlay" I don't get that error.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?...

If you do a bit of research you should be able to find a contact for Gilles Chanteau. He is on lots pf forums and is very helpful.
Google radical Purge this will take you to appstore then a link onto his page where there is CONTACT0