is it possible to load a specipic workspace (.CUI file) on startup?

when I open bricscad it load with the last workspace I used (Modeling for example).
Is there a way to make bricscad to load a specific workspace (Drafting for example) regardless of what was the last used workspace?



  • Maybe (command "workspace" "s" "Drafting") in your load on startup lisp, I have a custom one so this would be like last line. There are defualt startup lisps for Bricscad or Acad etc.
  • ALANH said:

    Maybe (command "workspace" "s" "Drafting") in your load on startup lisp, I have a custom one so this would be like last line. There are defualt startup lisps for Bricscad or Acad etc.

    the selection should be C instand of S - see updated command - (command "workspace" "C" "Drafting").
    it worked.

    thanks again,
  • Good to hear working did not test very far.