How to flatten 2D entities in Z direction in BricsCAD Lite?


How to flatten 2D entities in XY (TOP VIEW), in BricsCAD. Because I have tried the SUPERFLATTEN Lisp available on the internet which is not working.

If any workaround to flatten 2D entities in BricsCAD Lite.

Kindly Guide.

Aaditya Patil


  • Have you tried the built-in Flatten command?
  • Hello Roy,

    Yes, I Have tried It, But it only works on some entities.
    can you please give me a workaround if is there any, drawing having more than 100 thousand entities.
  • Which ones does it not work on - inside Blocks/Xrefs? I think they have to be individually opened and flattened.
  • Hello Tom,

    I have exploded all the blocks and then I have used the SUPERFLATTEN Lisp command. It doesn't work properly on some Polylines, Lines, Arcs, etc. 2D entities.
    I have observed that SUPERFLATTEN has some limitation to flattening 2D Entities which exceeds from given limit in lisp.

    Kindly guide me on how to resolve this issue.
  • Hello,

    Sometimes I download CAD files from some suppliers that only have STEP files. So I use FreeCAD to convert STEP to DWG, but the DWG turn in to a 2D file, because it's like a 3D that have all the entities (polylines, lines, splines, arc, circles, etc.) exploded in 2D entites but in space (Z).

    So i select all, and then in the properties bar, I the selection above, I isolate by type of 2d entities, a set the Z values to "0" zero. For example, for circle, de Z center in zero "0", for simple lines, the strar Z and end Z to zero "0".

    I hope I helped.
    I came here to the Forum because I was consulting the help to see how I could delete the overlapping entities.

  • This forum post has a LISP utility written by Lee Mac that will flatten all objects within the drawing, including blocks.