How to flatten 2D entities in Z direction in BricsCAD Lite?
How to flatten 2D entities in XY (TOP VIEW), in BricsCAD. Because I have tried the SUPERFLATTEN Lisp available on the internet which is not working.
If any workaround to flatten 2D entities in BricsCAD Lite.
Kindly Guide.
Aaditya Patil
Have you tried the built-in Flatten command?0
Hello Roy,
Yes, I Have tried It, But it only works on some entities.
can you please give me a workaround if is there any, drawing having more than 100 thousand entities.
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Which ones does it not work on - inside Blocks/Xrefs? I think they have to be individually opened and flattened.0
Hello Tom,
I have exploded all the blocks and then I have used the SUPERFLATTEN Lisp command. It doesn't work properly on some Polylines, Lines, Arcs, etc. 2D entities.
I have observed that SUPERFLATTEN has some limitation to flattening 2D Entities which exceeds from given limit in lisp.
Kindly guide me on how to resolve this issue.
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Sometimes I download CAD files from some suppliers that only have STEP files. So I use FreeCAD to convert STEP to DWG, but the DWG turn in to a 2D file, because it's like a 3D that have all the entities (polylines, lines, splines, arc, circles, etc.) exploded in 2D entites but in space (Z).
So i select all, and then in the properties bar, I the selection above, I isolate by type of 2d entities, a set the Z values to "0" zero. For example, for circle, de Z center in zero "0", for simple lines, the strar Z and end Z to zero "0".
I hope I helped.
I came here to the Forum because I was consulting the help to see how I could delete the overlapping entities.0 -
This forum post has a LISP utility written by Lee Mac that will flatten all objects within the drawing, including blocks.