Why does bricscad have different color tones?
In autocad color 253 is in RGB (203,203,203) and HSL (0,0,80)
But in Bricscad it is RGB (173,173,173) and HSL (0,0,67)
Can I customize the color range?
From my testing, in Autocad, the color index 253 is RGB(153,153,153) or HSL(0,0,60).
In Bricscad, there is a slight difference: index 253 is RGB(173,173,173) or HSL(0,0,67).
I found some older ACI reference where index 253 was RGB(130,130,130).
With both programs, RGB(153,153,153) is equivalent to HSL(0,0,60).
So, if color precision is required, the RGB color representation would be a solution for this case.0 -
Hello, I was under the impression that colour definitions were fairly consistent but so it turns out they are not. Just curious, why would you want to customize it?
I once wrote something about that, the aim was to determine a selection of index colours that were easily visible on both black and white backgrounds. If the index colours are converted to HSL, you can make a nice selection based on L like that. For those interested, here is the link.
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They are both the same in the API
import traceback from pyrx_imp import Rx, Ge, Gi, Db, Ap, Ed, Gs, Ax, Pl @Ap.Command("doit") def doit(): try: clr = Db.EntityColor() clr.setColorIndex(253) clr = clr.makeTrueColor() print(clr.red(), clr.green(), clr.blue()) except Exception as err: print(traceback.format_exc())
# ACAD 173 173 173
# BCAD 173 173 173
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Lisp API same result, pasting this on the command-line:
(vle-aci2rgb 253)
evaluates to:
(173 173 173)
Perhaps OP is misled by colour profiling? A screen-dump here results also in the same result.