Hardware requirements for BricsCAD Pro and hall layout planing

What hardware is required for BricsCAD v24/v25 to be able to work efficiently? We work with hall layouts (50x300 meters). Some of the DWG files are over 50 MB in size. Some CAD manufacturers, such as Siemens-NX, require a dedicated graphics card. Is this also the case with BricsCAD? Since we do not use gaming graphics cards, we only use “onboard” graphics or nvidia Quadro GTX.
Thank you.
Kind regards
The most important thing is STP or Single Thread Performance. That, combined with a ton of RAM should offer you a very nice experience.
For example, an AMD 9700X plus 96 GB RAM is what I currently use - with integrated graphics. No complaining about speed. If you're interested, I wrote more about it.
STP values of CPU's can be found at cpubenchmark.net for example.
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Need say at least a I7 nowdays a I9, with say min 32gb ram for dwgs that size, if you use xrefs a lot and can edit those separately then speed should not be a problem.
Me I am I7 8th gen, Nvidia Geoforce GTX, 16GB ram, and have played with some big dwgs have not noticed any appreciable speed problems.