BcadTools Freeware available for V10



  • A bit off topic, but could I suggest that someone at Bricsys look at the applications in the app store and add a "Works with V13" to the apps which have been updated to work with V13? 
  • Dear Martin,

    I would guess this is simply impossible for our team ... as we would have to download and install all those applications, run with Bricscad V13, and so on.

    But more important, therefore, we do not know whether those applications behave correctly in V13 ... we could only check whether the BRX modules load;
    and even this is not easy - most of them needs to be properly installed, to be correctly loaded.

    Altogether, that would be a huge work for us, and with unclear / unreliable results for users ...
    So it is really up to the application developer, to recompile their BRX apps, or at least to verify, when Lisp / COM based ...

    Sorry for this - but honestly, I do not see a chance that we can do this
    (and I have lot experience to analyse / check "foreign" applications :-) )

    Many greetings to all !
  • Torsten,

    Thank you for the prompt reply.

    I understand that it would be difficult for the Bricsys team to evaluate all the applications.  Would it be possible for Bricsys to ask the authors to update their listings to show which applications are intended to work with V13? 

    At this point the solutions store is not very useful.  Neither the "Latest Solution News" nor the "Latest Added" seem to be updated regularly.  This makes it difficult to know when applications have been updated.

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