Automatic backup files sv4

does Bricscad under linux save autoamtic backup files sv$ in certain time periods? I wasn't able to find any mention in BricsCAD onlin help (the search functionality there seems really bad to me). Nor did I find anything in settings. I can only find option to save/not save .bak files.


  • Not using Linux, but assuming (?) settings are the same as in Windows:
    Settings / SaveTime Interval
  • Not using Linux, but assuming (?) settings are the same as in Windows:
    Settings / SaveTime Interval

    Hi Robt,
    I found this too, but I didn't find path, where the saved files are. This will be different in linux.

  • it should be SAVEFILEPATH ... usually pointing to the system's TEMP folder
    many greetings !
  • Settings / Save File Path?
  • Oh. I should have found this by myslef - I was checking the /tmp directory and found no backup, becasue the SaveTime was set to 60 minutes. Now I tried to hcange it to 1 minute and I can find the backup file.

    I thank both of you,

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