"on_doc_load_default.lsp" - What is it good for?

My c:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V18 de_DE\Support\on_doc_load_default.lsp contains these two lines:

;this file will run when a drawing is loaded. ;please do not edit. For custom actions on loading a drawing please create a file on_doc_load.lsp.

So it does run, but when running it does nothing and nobody is allowed to edit?
What is it good for? Is it outdated?


  • Hi Peter, that file is for Bricsys' use. Maybe it will never be used, but maybe it will someday. The placeholder file does serve a purpose: it's content documents the startup files and indirectly warns that the *default file may be overwritten during updates.

  • Also, if you know the history of "autocad viruses" it is good practice to make blank lisps that the startup uses, in the paths at the top of your support paths. That way yours gets found and no other are used, such as a malicious one someone tucked in some other support path, like your personal lisp tool folder. Reality is you have to watch for those malicious files, as acad and bcad first looks in same folder as dwg for them BEFORE using the support paths. So if you have a bad one in the same folder as your drawing, it gets used and mayhem breaks out. The design of acad and bcad should be that it looks in same folder as dwg as a LAST resort, not first...

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