Unwanted white rectangle on gray background

Probably a dumb question.

I have a white rectangle with dashed line inset in paper space. How do I get rid of this?
I just installed version 19 on a new computer. Not sure why rectangle was absent on old computer.


  • Looks like the Paper Size with Printing Border.
    Your Viewports are exceeding that chosen Paper.

  • Roy Klein Gebbinck
    edited February 2019

    Michael is correct. You can disable it by changing the DISPPAPERBKG and DISPPAPERMARGINS settings. For some strange reason this is only possible via the _Settings command.

  • Yes! This works. Thank you Michael and Roy.

    True, you need to modify it in the settings dialog. If I type the variable name (only tried first one), I get this:
    Undocumented variable. Cannot be modified on the commandline.

    But it really is documented a bit. See bottom left of the Settings Dialog

    Dummy text that gets covered by image
    Dummy text that gets covered by image

    I rarely print a drawing, so I don't see the need for a paper size anyway. Usually I export to pdf.