Export from Spatial Manager

Is it possible to export a GeoPDF or GeoTif (lines and polygons, no raster image) from Spatial Manager?


  • Don't think so, but you can using QGIS

  • Unfortunately I don't have acccess to QGIS. I'm looking for a way to export a GEOPDF directly from Bricscad.

  • While you may find some support for the creation of GeoTiff (images), the GeoPdf is essentially a flawed format that many refuse to support because of that. You're talking about a format where coordinates have first been scaled to page (paper size) coordinates, then rounded to 2 decimal places. Other than being presented in a viewer and/or for page printing, I wouldn't ever want to base a project off of content imported from a GeoPdf.

  • GeoPDF seems to be a common format used by android/ios apps, such as virtually overlaying a drawing over a live map of a site allowing you to walk around the site and see where you are on the drawing.

  • Terry Dotson
    edited October 7

    We can do that inside CAD engines (requiring a Windows laptop/tablet of course).

  • Many thanks for your suggestions. We just bought the Spatial Manager in order to georeference DWGs. The exported Geopdfs or Geotiffs will than displayed in our internal Webgis. I'd perfer a solution with Spatial Manager or bricscad functions rather than buying a second addon for Bricscad.

  • Put in a support request to Bricsys to ask for this feature to be added to PDF & TIFF printing.

    I do know it is possible with QGIS, which is a free application.

  • If you can write python code. GDAL can create Geotiffs and Geopdfs.

    Unfortunately GDAL won’t load into BircsCAD due to a .DLL conflict. You may be able to export your CAD geometry using shapely, then post process to create the pdf