
Does anybody has a clue how fontmapping on Linux actually works?
In drawings I receive, "Arial Narrow" always gets replaced with freemono.ttf (a very bad match), no matter what I put in default.fmp.


  • Croscore fonts is metrically compatible, package fonts-croscore. Alternatively, does it help to install package ttf-mscorefonts-installer?

  • I have ms-corefonts installed, but Arial Narrow is not part of them. I do have several good replacements for this font installed, but the font substitution that (I guess) takes place on the freetype / X-server layer does not pick them up, probably because I did not install them via the package management. Theoretically, font substitution in BricsCAD should be configurable in the file that FONTMAP points to, but I just cannot get it to work.

  • Liberations sans is also metrically compatible with Arial and covers narrow. So if you get font mapping working... Perhaps it is best to do a support request? Can't test it myself right now.

  • Yes, I 'll file a SR as time permits. This is not the only flaw with font handling on linux...

  • This is the reason why true type fonts are not accepted in dwg drawings in the Swedish building industry. They cause trouble and incompatibilities. Use shx fonts like 'isocp.shx' instead.

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